7 Breast Pump Maintenance Tips
If you are a breastfeeding mom who is using a breast pump, this article is for you! While breast pumps are an efficient and easy way to dispense and help store milk, they do require a sufficient amount of maintenance in order to help them stay sanitary and functional. In this article, we will explore tips and tricks to help stay on top of breast pump maintenance.
Cleanliness is Key
When it comes to caring for your breast pump, cleanliness is key. Keeping your breast pump clean will help you avoid nipple irritation, infection, and can even prevent your little one from getting sick. While breastmilk does have natural cleaning properties, this does not mean your pump is invincible to germs!
Sterilization of your pump is crucial to avoiding the build-up of germs and bacteria. There are a variety of cleaning systems and products you can use, but one of the easiest ways to keep your pump sterile is to check to see which pieces are dishwasher-safe and run these daily with your dish load. Be careful as not all parts of your pump will be dishwasher-safe, and the extreme heat might lead to corrosion or damage.
Check For Wear and Tear
Be sure to check your pump for wear and tear regularly to keep up with maintenance of your machine. These machines are often used daily, so conducting a full check of the pump parts weekly is a great way to ensure no pieces are broken or missing so that you can replace pieces if needed.
Believe it or not, most women do not know about pump lubrication! Lubrication can help pump pieces slide together more easily as friction from use creates wear and tear on the plastic. Being sure to add lubrication as a step to your pump maintenance routine will ensure the longevity of the machine.
Keep It Dry
When possible, keep your pump dry when not in use. This includes avoiding storing your pump on a dishrack or other frequently damp surface. Your pump should be stored in a cool, dry place and completely dried off in between uses.
Store Properly
On top of storing your pump in a cool, dry place, you should also take special care to have a designated storage area for your pump while you are nursing. Avoid throwing pump pieces in a junk drawer where the parts can rub up against dirty objects or become dented or dinged. Any obstruction to the pump pieces may result in friction the next time you go to assemble your pump!
Regularly Replace Filters
Regularly replacing filters is another key step you should take when caring for your pump. Purchasing filters on auto will help ensure you never run out and also remind you to swap out filters periodically to ensure sanitation and functionality.
We hope this article helped you better understand the importance of pump maintenance and how you can up your game when it comes to your breast pump care routine! For high-quality healthcare products, be sure to check out our full online shop and be sure your medical supplies are always up-to-date.